Administracja Zmilitaryzowana - Militarized Administration |
AK - Armia Krajowa - Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
Akcja Burza - Operation "Tempest" , or "Operation Storm" |
AKO - Armia Krajowa Obywatelska - Citizens' Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
Armia Krajowa - eng. Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
banda - engl. gang |
bandyta - engl. criminal, gangster, etc. |
BOA - "Bojowy Oddział Armii" - eng. "Army Tactical Unit", active in the Nowogródek District of AK (Polish Patriot: military) |
baon - battalion |
BcH - Bataliony Chłopskie - Peasant's Battalions (Polish Patriot: military) |
BiP - Biuro Informacji i Propagandy - Bureau of Information and Propaganda |
CAW - Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe - Central Military Archive |
chorąży - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "chor." - Warrant Officer 2nd Class |
Cichociemni - Silent and Invisible - sabotage and diversion commando formation (Polish Patriot: military) |
dezinformatsiya - дезинформация rus. disinformation |
Delegatura Sił Zbrojnych na Kraj - Delegation of the Polish Forces at Home (Polish Patriot: military) |
diversiya - диверсия - rus. diversion, or sabotage |
DP - Dywizja Piechoty - eng. Infantry Division |
dragon - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Drag." - Dragoon |
DS, ds - Do Spraw - abr. "for", i.e. KdsBP, Komitet Do Spraw Bezpieczenstwa Publicznego - Committee For Public Security |
DSZ - Delegatura Sił Zbrojnych na Kraj - Delegation of the Polish Forces at Home (Polish Patriot: military) |
Dwójka - eng. Number “2” - Intelligence Unit, Section II - pre WWII Polish intelligence / counter-intelligence service |
esbek - pol. deragatory slang word used to describe members of Polish secret police, the Sluzba Bezpieczenstwa |
Eksterytorialny Okręg Lwowski - "WiN" - An Extraterritorial Lwow District of WiN |
fabrikatsiya - rus. fabrication; i.e to fabricate false evidence |
fałszywka - forged document |
Generał - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "gen. - General |
Generał Broni - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "gen. broni." - Lieutenant General |
Generał Brygady - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "gen. bryg." - Brigadier General / Major-General |
Generał Dywizji - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "gen. dyw. " - Divisional-General |
gmina - plural gminy - "rural municipality", "commune" |
GRU - Главное Разведывательное Управление - (transliteration) - Glavnoje Razvedyvatel'noje Upravlenije - Main Intelligence Directorate (Soviet: military intelligence) |
Gulag - Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей и колоний - rus. abbr. The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies - (transliterated: Glovnoye Upravlenye Ispravitelno-troudovykh Lagerey) - (Soviet Communist: penal agency) |
GZI WP - Główny Zarząd Informacji Wojska Polskiego - Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army (Polish Communist: military police and, intelligence, and counter-espionage) |
Informacja - nickname of the GZI WP Glówny Zarzad Informacji Wojska Polskiego - Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army (Polish Communist: military police, intelligence, and counter-espionage) |
IPN - Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej - Institute of National Remembrance (Polish post-Communist: government) |
K-da Gł. AK - General Staff of Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
kapitan - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "kpt." - Captain |
kanonier - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Kan." - Gunner |
kapelan - Chaplain |
kapitan lekarz - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "kapt. lek." - Army Doctor |
kapral - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "kpr." - Lance Corporal |
KBW - Korpus Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego - Internal Security Corps (Polish Communist: secret police) |
KdsBP - pol. abr. Komitet Do Spraw Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - Committee For Public Security (Polish Communist: secret police, intelligence and counter-espionage) |
KEDYW - pol. acronym - Kierownictwo Dywersji - Directorate for Diversion of the General Staff of Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
kombinacja - pol.combination, operation, or operational play |
kombinatsiya - комбинация - rus. combination, operation, or operational play |
Komitet Do Spraw Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - KdsBP - Committee For Public Security (Polish Communist: secret police, intelligence and counter-espionage), abr. KdsBP |
KON - Konwent Organizacji Niepodległościowych - Convention of Independence Organizations (Polish Patriot: military) |
Konspiracyjne Wojsko Polskie, abr. KWP - Polish Underground Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
kontr-rozvedka or kontrrazvedka - контрразведка - rus. "counter-intelligence" |
KOP - Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza - Boarder Security Corps (Polish Patriot: military) |
KPODPP - Komitet Porozumiewawczy Organizacji Demokratycznych Polski Podziemnej - Consultative Committee of the Democratic Organizations of the Polish Underground |
KPP - Komunistyczna Partia Polski - Communist Party of Poland (Polish Communist: party) |
ksiądz kapelan - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "ks. kap." - Army / Military Chaplain |
Krzyż Walecznych - The Cross of Valour, Polish military decoration. |
kryptonim - codename |
KWMO - Komenda Wojewódzka Milicji Obywatelskiej - Voivodeship Command of People's Militia (Polish Communist, police) |
KWP - Konspiracyjne Wojsko Polskie - Polish Underground Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
LWP - Ludowe Wojsko Polskie - Polish People's Army (Polish Communist: military) |
Marszałek - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "marsz." - Marshal |
Milicja Obywatelska - People's Militia (Polish Communist, police) |
Major - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "maj." - Major |
maskirovka - rus. маскировкa - deception, concealment, camouflage |
MBP - Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - Ministry of Public Security [of Poland] (Polish Communist: secret police, intelligence and counter-espionage) |
MGB - Министерство Государственной Безопасности - Ministerstvo Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti [of Soviet Union] - Ministry of State Security - (Soviet Communist: secret police, intelligence and counter-espionage) |
młodszy chorąży - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "ml. chor." - Junior Warrant Officer |
MO - (abbreviation) - Milicja Obywatelska - People's Militia (Polish Communist, police) |
morderstwo sądowe - engl. court-sanctioned murder, see more here |
MVD - МВД - Министерство Внутренних Дел - Ministerstvo Vnutrennikh Del - Ministry of Internal Affairs (Soviet Communist: secret police) |
NIE - NO - precursor to Delegatura Sil Zbrojnych na Kraj (Polish Patriot: military) |
NKGB - Народный Комиссариат Государственной Безопасности (rus. abr. Narodnyi Komisaryat Gosudarstvennoi Bezopasnosti - People's Commissariat for State Security) - (Soviet Communist: secret police, intelligence and counter-espionage) |
NKVD - НКВД - Народный Комиссариат Внутренних Дел - Narodnyi Komitet Vnutriennykh Del - People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (Soviet Communist: secret police) |
NN - Nieznany i Niezidentyfikowany - Unknown And Unidentified |
Nom de guerre - French word meaning "name of war" or "war name" |
NOW - Narodowa Organizacja Wojskowa - National Military Organization (Polish Patriot: military) |
Nów - codename used by Nowogrodek units of Armia Krajowa. Other codenames were "Lotnisko", "Kurki", "Cyranka", "Las", "Grzyb" |
npl. - abr. "nieprzyjaciel" - eng. "enemy" |
NZW - Narodowe Zjednoczenie Wojskowe - National Military Alliance (Polish Patriot: military) |
NSZ - Narodowe Siły Zbrojne - National Armed Forces (Polish Patriot: military) |
obszar - eng. area |
Oddział Pozorowany - a tactical unit of Polish secret police conducting assasinations of Polish citizens, under the guise of being part of the democratic underground. In the internal secret police documents such units were referred to as "Brygady Realizacyjne", "oddziały antypartyzanckie", "oddziały partyzanckie ubrane po cywilnemu", "grupy bojowe w ubraniach cywilnych", "nie umundurowane grupy operacyjne" |
Okręg - geographical unit - presently an equivalent to voivodeship |
OP -Ooddział Podziemny - Underground Unit |
ONZ - Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych - United Nations, UN |
ORMO - pol. abr. Ochotnicza Rezerwa Milicji Obywatelskiej - Voluntary Reserves of the People's Militia. (Polish Communist: paramilitary police) |
Ostra Brama - Operation "Ostra Brama" |
OUN - ОУН - ukr. Організація Українських Націоналістів, Orhanizatsiya Ukrayins’kykh Natsionalists - Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists |
p. - pulk - Regiment |
PAS - Pogotowie Akcji Specialnej - Special Emergency Executive (Polish Patriot: military) |
PKWN - Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego - Polish Committee of National Liberation precursor of RTRP (Polish Communist: provisional government) |
P.O. - abr. pelniacy obowiazki - eng. "serving as", or "acting as" |
podchorąży - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "pchor." - Officer Cadet |
podporucznik - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "ppor." - Secont-Lieutenant / 2nd Lt. |
podpułkownik - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "pplk." - engl. Lieutenant Colonel |
powiat - plural powiaty - abr. pow. - county, district, prefecture |
pp - pulk piechoty engl. - infantry regiment |
PPAN - Polska Podziemna Armia Niepodległościowa- Polish Underground Independency Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
Polski Ruch Oporu - Polish Resistance Movement |
Polski Związek Powstańczy - Polish Insurrection Union (Polish Patriot: military) |
porucznik - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "por." - Lieutenant / Lt. |
plutonowy - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "plut." - Master Corporal / Platoon Leader |
Powiatowy Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - (abr. PUBP) County Office for Public Security (Polish Communist: county office of polish police secret police) |
PPR - Polska Partia Robotnicza - Polish Worker's Party (Polish Communist: party) |
PPS - PPSh-41 - (Pistolet-Pulemyot Shpagina) - Soviet submiachine gun |
proniknoveniye - rus.проникновение - penetration |
provokatsiya - rus. провокация - provocation |
PRL - Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa - People's Republic of Poland (Polish Communist: government) |
przesłuchanie - interrogation; przesłuchania - plural - interrogations |
PUBP - Powiatowy Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - County Office for Public Security (Polish Communist: county office of polish police secret police) |
pułk - Military Formation - Regiment |
pułkownik - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "plk." - Colonel |
Resort - a nickname commonly used to describe all Polish communist internal security and foreign intelligence and counter-intelligence organizations - (Polish Communist: secret police) |
ROAK - Ruch Oporu Armii Krajowej - Resistance of the Home Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
rotmistrz - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "rtm." - Cavalry Captain |
razvedka - rus. разведка - "intelligence" or intelligence gathering |
RTRP - Rzad Tymczasowy Republiki Polskiej- Provisional Government of Republic of Poland - (Polish Communist: provisional government) |
Saper - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Sap." - Sapper |
SB - Służba Bezpieczeństwa - Security Service [of the Ministry of Internal Affairs] (Polish Communist: secret police) |
sierżant - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "sierz." - Sergeant |
Sielsoviet - rus. сельсовет- a Soviet governing unit, or an administrative-territorial unit of the Soviet Government |
śledczy - interrogator |
Służba Bezpieczeństwa - abr. SB - Security Service [of the Ministry of Internal Affairs] (Polish Communist: secret police) |
SMERSH - СМЕРть Шпионам - russ. acronym: Smert' Shpionam - Death to Spies - (Soviet Communist: secret police) |
SOE - Special Operations Executive |
sovetnik - rus. советник - "Advisor" or "Consultant" to secret police organizations in Eastern Europe. |
SS-RONA - Russkaya Osvoboditelnaya Narodnaya Armiya - Russian National Liberation Army (Russian Nazi: paramilitary) |
SS - ger. abr. Schutzstaffel - Protective Squadron (Nazi German: military-police) |
SZP - Służba Zwycięstwu Polski - Polish Victory Service |
starszy chorąży - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "st. chor." - Warrant Officer 1st Class |
starszy chorąży sztabowy - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "st. chor.szt." - Chief Warrant Officer |
starszy kapral - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "st. kpr." - Senior Corporal |
starszy sierżant - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "st. sierz." - Staff Sergeant |
starszy szeregowy - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "st. szer. " - Private 1st Class |
Stronnictwo Niezawisłości Narodowej - Association National Freedom |
strzelec - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Strz." or "strzel." - Rifleman |
szeregowy - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "szer." - Private |
szwadron - Company |
TAP - Tajna Armia Polska - Secret Polish Army a precursor to ZWZ (Polish Patriot: military) |
TW - abr. TajnyWspółpracownik - secret collaborator of secret police (a communist snitch) |
Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej - Provisional Government of National Unity |
UB - Urząd Bezpieczeństwa - Office of Security (Polish Communist: secret police) |
ułan - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Ul." - Lancer / cavalry man |
UBek - pol. deragatory slang word used to describe a secret police functionary, also UBol |
UBP - Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - Ministry of Internal Security, precursor of SB (Polish Communist: government police ministry) |
UPA - УПА - Українська Повстанська Армія - Ukrainian Insurgent Army |
Urząd Bezpieczeństwa - (abr. UB) Office of Security (Polish Communist: secret police) |
Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - (abr. UBP) Office of State Security (Polish Communist: secret police) |
Virtuti Militari - Poland's highest military decoration for courage in the face of the enemy |
wachmistrz - Polish Military Rank - Abr. "Wachm." - Cavalry Sergeant |
WiN - Wolność i Niezawisłość - Freedom And Independence (Polish Patriot: military) |
Wojewódzki Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - Voivodeship Office for State Security (Polish Communist: secret police voivodship office) |
Województwo - abr. woj. - "voivodeship", or "province", at times translated as "duchies", "provincs", "palatinate", "administrative district" or "region" |
Wolność i Niezawisłość - abr. WiN - Freedom And Independence (Polish Patriot: military) |
WP - Wojsko Polskie - Polish People's Army (Polish Patriot: military) |
WSR - Wojskowy Sąd Rejonowy - Regional Military Court (communist- military court) |
WSS - Wojskowy Sąd Specjalny - Special [Field] Military Court |
WUBP - Wojewodzki Urząd Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego - Voivodeship Office of State Security (Polish Communist: secret police voivodship office) |
WW - Wojska Wewnętrzne - Internal Security Forces (communist- military) |
ZG - Zarząd Główny - Executive Office, Head Office, or Main Office |
Zgrupowanie Stolpeckie - Eng.- Belarus hybrid, Group Stolpce (Polish Patriot: military, stationed in Stolpce, then in Russia, now Belarus and called Stoupcy) |
ZWZ - Związek Walki Zbrojnej - Association of Armed Struggle (Polish Patriot: military) |
Żegota - Polish Council to Aid Jews (Polish Patriot: military) |
ŻOB - Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa - Jewish Combat Organization |
żołnierz - engl. soldier |
żołnierze wykleci - engl. doomed soldiers, also cursed soldiers |
ŻZW - Żydowski Związek Wojskowy - Jewish Military Union (Jewish Patriot Organization with close ties with Armia Krajowa). |