National Armed Forces - Narodowe Sily Zbrojne - NSZ - The Doomed Soldiers

The Doomed Soldiers
Polish Underground Soldiers 1944-1963 - The Untold Story

Freedom And Independence - Wolnosc i Niezawislosc - WiN - The Doomed Soldiers


Zolnierze Wykleci
Witold Pilecki in Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Colonel Jozef Rozanski, Urzad Bezpieczenstwa - Polish secret police.

Good Reads:
Not Only Katyn: The Augustow Roundup in July 1945.

Poles, Jews and Germans – what was forgotten in the letter by Polish Institute of National Remembrance to Die Welt

Source: Maciej Pawlicki,
Translation: JD

September 22, 2015

Considering the latest libel by Jan T. Gross, Vice President of IPN (Polish Institute of National Remembrance sent a letter to a German journal Die Welt. However, despite the general correctness of the letter, its comparative character, enforced by Gross’s lies, is rather alarming. Even more worrying is the fact that there are several extremely important facts missing in the IPN letter written to Germans and the international public. These are the facts that Western media don’t know, pretend not to know, or simply do not want to know.

  German Concentration Camps Survivors.

The Final Solution to the Jewish Question (Endlosung der Judenfrage) was methodically planned and ultimately adopted on January 20, 1942, during the Wannsee Conference, by a legally and democratically elected German government. Soon thereafter the plan was meticulously put into action.

- Poland was the only countries where Germans imposed death penalty on those who helped Jews in any way, and on their entire families. In other occupied states those who aided Jews were merely issued fines or dismissed from work.

- The Polish government in exile in London issued an executive order that anybody who harms a Jew is to be prosecuted and punished by the underground Polish state. Accordingly the Polish underground issued death sentences and the Polish underground army executed traitors who gave Jews away to Germans. This attitude of the Polish government stands in stark contrast to other governments, whereas for example the French government raided Jewish communities and transported them to German concentration camps.

- Jewish nationals were persecuted most severely by the Jewish police, which, according to numerous Jewish accounts, such as that of Emanuel Ringelblum, was the most brutal and most effective. Sociologists established that around 1/3 and even up to 2/3 of Jewish intelligentsia served in the German-controlled Jewish police forces.

- According to IPN there are at least 1000 documented cases of Poles murdered by Germans for helping Jews. There are many more cases that still remain unverified.

- The German military police murdered entire families, whose members helped Jews, including infants and pregnant women. The methods used were shooting or burning them alive. Families murdered were, amongst others, those of Kowalski, Obuchiewicz, Baranek, Dec, Ulm, Kosior, Skoczylas, Lewandowski and many, many more. Despite the names of German executioners being known, none was ever formally charged and convicted for those crimes.

- The SS volunteers, other than Germans, were of Dutch, Belgian, French, Ukrainian, Latvian and Lithuanian origin. No Polish nationals served in the SS.

- Despite the German penalties and terror, around 70 000 Jews were saved in Poland occupied by Nazi Germany. The IPN estimated that saving a single Jew required the help of around 20 to 25 Poles willing to risk their lives.

- Many Poles helped Jews in hiding, putting their and their families’ lives in danger. There are various estimates how many of the ethnic Poles were helping the Jews. The estimatates range from 200,000 by Prof. Feliks Tych, Władysław Bartoszewski’s – 300,000, or Prof Tomasz Strzembosz around 1 million. Strzembosz defined the cases he examined in his theses as “the tip of the iceberg.”

Two more statements are relevant here:

Władysław Bartoszewski: “We attempted to save dozens more people on top of those who we managed to save. False IDs helped, but could not guarantee survival. It is important to differentiate between trying to save and actually being able to save.”
Arnold Mostowicz, chairman of the Association of Jewish Combatants: “Since in many other states under German occupation helping Jews was not risky, no nation other than the Polish nation made such a huge sacrifice that ended in the hecatomb of Polish victims.”

The IPN should acknowledge these important facts in any further correspondence, which is necessary.

Source: Maciej Pawlicki,
Translation: JD


"Zegota": Saving the Europe's Jews

ZEGOTA-Council for Aid to Jews in Occupied Poland(1939-1945). ZEGOTA was the only government-sponsored (London-based Polish Government-in-Exile) social welfare agency established to rescue Jews in German-occupied EUROPE.

The Man Who Volunteered for Auschwitz: Captain Witold Pilecki', report provided Allies with detailed information about German atrocities being carried out in Auschwitz Concentration camp.

NSA (National Security Agency): Eavesdropping on Hell: Historical Guide to Western Communications Intelligence and the Holocaust, 1939-1945




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