September 2012 Independent Investigation Report Prepared by the Honorable Antoni Macierewicz, Chairman, Polish Parliamentary Group For the Investigation of the Causes of the Crash of the TU-154M Aircraft on April 10, 2010 in Russia.
One of the most important questions being asked by Polish citizens today concerns the events of the morning of April 10, 2010 at the Smolensk airport in Russia, and what role in these events was played by the Russian government, and the Polish government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk. Today, after twenty-eight months since these tragic events took place, we are presenting you with the basic facts and hypothesis gathered and formulated by the Parliamentary Group for the Investigation of the TU-154 Airplane Crash on April 10, 2010. We are now half-way there. We already know, that without the collaboration of Prime Minister Tusk with Vladimir Putin, and without the separation of the visits to Katyn - this tragedy would not have happened. We know that the "Miller Report" is as falsified as is the Anodina’s [MAK] report. At last, we know, that one hypothesis explaining the chain of events is that the disintegration of the aircraft was caused by explosions in the air, due to the involvement of third parties. But even today, we have not yet gathered the necessary evidence in order to point to all those who were guilty. The published material is not yet a complete report, but rather, it shows and organizes facts and hypotheses that have been thus far ascertained. We hope that by the fall of 2012 we'll be able to present the final findings concerning the technical aspects of the Smolensk crash, and within a year, at the most, our final report will be ready.
The Parliamentary Group consists of nearly 140 representatives and senators from various parties, and it is the only governmental institution of the Republic of Poland that concerns itself with findings that have caused the Smolensk tragedy. I am writing this with sorrow, as these functions should be undertaken by the Prosecutor's Office with the support of the Government, the President, and the Parliament. It is not so. President Bronislaw Komorowski of Poland became famous for stating that, after all, everything is fine, because this incident is investigated by the Polish commission, the Russian commission, and an international [MAK - Interstate Investigative Committee] – Commission. Prime Minister Donald Tusk, on the other hand, did everything in his power to hide the evidence of the crime that was committed, and to discourage access to finding out the truth. Similar charges can be brought forward against the Military Prosecutor's Office, whose officers are guilty of the dereliction of duty (among them, failing to inspect the crash scene, and to conduct post-mortem examinations). The prosecutors, who because of their own actions are party in the case against themselves, systematically reject and remit notices of being part of the criminal undertaking committed in connection with the Smolensk tragedy. |
Both the Lower and Upper Houses of the Polish Parliament, dominated by senators and representatives of the Platforma Obywatelska political party and their allies, through their voting, rubber-stamped the Smolensk lie, and approved delegating the investigation onto the hands of Vladimir Putin, and rejected calls for the establishment of an international investigation. It created a situation whereby the work of the Parliamentary Group is the only defense against derailing the investigation of the greatest tragedy in the history of the modern Poland.
A shameful role detrimental to our [fact-finding] activities is played by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Radoslaw Sikorski. He disseminates a false version of the crash on the international scene, blaming the Polish pilots. It is because of his opposition, supported by Prime Minister Tusk, that both the United States and NATO are excluded from finding the causes of the Smolensk crash.
Such posturing of those who came to power after the April 10, 2010, is a result of their earlier activities. We ought to remind the reactions of Bronislaw Komorowski - then Marshal of the Sejm (Parliament), and Krzysztof Bondaryk, the Chief of the Internal Security Agency, after shots were fired at President Lech Kaczynski in the Fall of 2008, [during his visit to Georgia]. Perhaps, another important piece of the evidence is the surveillance of the President and the members of his Cabinet by the Center for Anti-terrorism at the Agency for Internal Security. There is no doubt that the meeting between Prime Minister Tusk and Prime Minister Putin on September 1, 2009 at the pier in Sopot, was the beginning of a brutal fight against the President of the Republic of Poland. The Smolensk tragedy was a result of this brutal fight. The paper trail of documents in the so-called civil investigation are a shocking testimony of the game played by Donald Tusk with representatives of Russia against his own President.
Could he [Tusk] have not known how his collaboration with Putin against the Polish President will end? Did he not know what he was doing by allowing the President's aircraft to be serviced by Russian intelligence services? Did he not know what it meant when he stripped the Polish President from the protection of the Polish intelligence and counterintelligence, the BOR [Bureau of Government Protection], diplomatic security services, and didn't know to what extent he endangers him? It is the Russian actions that lead to the death of the President of the Republic of Poland, and Polish government elites. But it would have never come to be, had it not been for their collaboration with the government of Donald Tusk.
This cooperation is taking place until this very day and has as its goal to hide the truth and to protect the perpetrators of the Smolensk murder. It is taking place before our very eyes and is a testament to the scope and responsibility of Prime Minister Tusk, Radoslaw Sikorski, Tomasz Arabski, Bogdan Klich, Jerzy Miller - to mention just the principle cohorts. They remain protected - by the government, the media, the Prosecutor's Office This is why the road to truth is both long and arduous, and the truth reaches the wide circles of society with great difficulty. Despite these difficulties under which we have to toil, we can state with a high degree of certainty that the Smolensk tragedy was a result of the involvement of third parties; this is the only comprehensive hypothesis demonstrating the turn of events leading to the death of the Polish President and of our nation's elites.
Paradoxically, it were those people governing [Poland] who gathered the important evidence [about this crime] themselves. It was in the case of the key question concerning Russian responsibility for the crash and death of President Kaczynski. The Minister of National Defense, Bogdan Klich, acknowledged it himself, during his secret conversation with Edmund Klich, the Polish accredited expert [to MAK] on April 22, 2010 pointing out to the report of Lt. Col. Miroslaw Milanowski from April 15, 2010: "the responsibility for the tragedy lays with the Russians." While the report was hidden, the thesis brought to light by Bogdan Klich, and recorded by Edmund Klich, will forever remain as evidence of the spins of the Tusk government covering Russian responsibility for the crime. The Miller Commission's experts who signed their names en masse in the February 2, 2011 letter, did exactly the same thing. They confirmed that they didn't analyze either the wreckage, including the aircraft's wing, and the birch tree, that was to be the cause of the crash. It was also confirmed in the book by Col. Edmund Klich, the Polish accredited expert [to MAK]. In annex 4.11 to the Miller report from September 2011, its authors revealed (apparently by mistake) the true parameters from the ATM-QAR, concerning the altitude of the TU-154M from the last seconds before the crash. By doing so, they conclusively proved that the aircraft never descended below an altitude of 18 meters above the ground – therefore, it had to fly over the birch tree that was made to be the main culprit in this tragedy. Hence, those governing [Poland] knew right from the get go, that it were the Russians who were the perpetrators of this tragedy, and the experts - even though they knew the true facts - conscientiously signed their names under the deceitful report!
The above mentioned findings confirm the results of the analysis and experiments conducted by the experts cooperating with the Parliamentary Group. The dedication and work of these experts cannot be overestimated. Without the contributions of professors Kazimierz Nowaczyk, and Wieslaw Binienda, Dr. Eng. Grzegorz Szuladzindzki, Dr. Eng. Waclaw Berzynski, Michal Jaworski, MA, professor Michael Baden, flight controller Konrad Matyszczak, Engineer Marek Dabrowski - we would have never found out the truth. These individuals selflessly dedicated their time, knowledge and the potential offered by their laboratories. It is them who proved that the aircraft didn't lose its wing in a collision with the birch [tree], but rather, flew over it; and disintegrated in the air as a result of two shocks caused by explosions. It is they, who proved that such dispersion of the aircraft remains, and the passenger bodies, could only be result of an explosion; it is they who conducted the scientific analysis pointing out that only an explosion could cause such fragmentation and deformation of the Polish aircraft. I am unable to enumerate all the individuals to whom the effectiveness of the [Parliamentary] group is indebted. Aside from the aforementioned distinguished scientists, and professors cooperating with professor Tadeusz Jasudowicz form the Mikolaj Copernicus University in Torun, there are also pilots, air traffic controllers, medical doctors, architects. It is they who saved the honor of Polish science. Because of their engagement, we have at our disposal a scientific study about the course of the [Smolensk crash] events. We are no longer destined to receive only the lies and propaganda of those governing us, and supporting their media outlets.
Particular thanks ought to be extended to the [Poland's] independent media and the uncompromising journalists from "TV Trwam", "Radio Maryja", "Gazeta Polska", and "Nasz Dziennik", Uwazam Rze", and many other publications and local stations bravely seeking the truth. Our work would not have been possible, had it not been for the support received from the millions of Poles who demand the truth about the reasons for the April 10, 2010 crash; [all those] intimidated and belittled by those governing us, and their media, who despite of that, with determination and dignity, demanded the truth about the death of their President and political elites accompanying him. It is because of these millions of Poles, that we can successfully continue our work, and to bring those guilty of the Smolensk Crime to justice.
Antoni Macierewicz, Chairman
Parliamentary Group for the Investigation of the
Causes of the Crash of the TU-154M aircraft on April 10, 2010
Translated by Zbycho